Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Riptide by Frances Ward Weller

Here's a great book for reading aloud. It gives the listener suspense, character development and empathy experiences. The illustrations are wonderful and provide lots of visualization. Heroism and determination are some of the many identifiable themes. A love for dogs, the beach and a wonderfully inspiring story, make this book a great gift as well.


  1. Ok now this one is TOTALLY new to me- cool!
    Cool like how you are, Pam and to prove it I gave you a Kreativ Blogger award on my blog. Love ya :)

  2. I love this book, Riptide. A great gift for a new dog owner or someone that has a fondness for the sea!
    Thanks for the award. I left you a note on your site.
    Happy mid-winter day!
