Monday, May 17, 2010

Families, Families, Families

Well this past weekend was the annual 9th Street Italian Market Festival in South Philadelphia. 
While I ate my way through it, I thought a lot about my relatives and what life must have been like in the early 1920's when my nonna and pop-pop came here from the various parts of Italy.  
We are truly a reflection of our families.  Check out some of these titles for your family - share with your comments and memories ...............
If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island  by Ellen Levine       

Coming to America: The Story of Immigration  by Betsy Maestro
Not to mention the Wall of Honor at Ellis Island and the Ellis Island site .......
Here is my nonna's ship and passage document -

1 comment:

  1. I've never been to that festival- you must have had a blast. Mmmm all those yummy foods and music? I'm sure there was music! Yet another fun Philly activity to add to my "want to do in Philly" list.
