Friday, April 30, 2010


One of my earliest reading memories is going to the Library (thanks Mom!).  I thought I might highlight some libraries from my life, as well as fun facts about Libraries.  Happy book hunting!

Blackstone Library in Branford Connecticut - my first library memory.  Located near the "green", I could walk here from school each day and get lost in the musty shelves, marble columns and sit at a walnut table to do homework, read about the adventures of the Bobbsey Twins or just look at a magazine.   A great history of this place can be found in their website. Wonderful memories of reading here!

The Port Jervis Free Library in Port Jervis New York - the Port Jervis Free Library remains as one of the few Carnegie libraries in the United States which continues to fulfill its original purpose.  A small town feel and welcome availability, this library provides a much needed resource for its town's resisdents. 

The Wardsboro Public Library - a recently discovered find located in Wardsboro Vermont, this small library is big in its mission. The Wardsboro Public Library provides access to books and other library resources in a variety of formats and technologies for the enjoyment and enlightenment of its patrons. The Library also provides cultural activities for the community, educates the community about the Library's resources, and upholds the public's freedom of access to information. 
A wonderful addition and necessary resource in this small New England town. 

Add your memories and libraries in the comment section for others to view. 
Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Growing up my mother took my sister and I to the public library every week. I loved looking for and choosing books to take home. There was one particular book I checked out almost every week. It was titled "Spectacles" by Ellen Raskin. I don't know why I was drawn to that book, but it was my favorite. I also remember pajama story hour. It was one of my best memories.
