Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March is Women's History Month - Maria Tallchief

Born on a reservation and moving to Los Angeles as a young girl, dance lessons opened up the wonderful opportunities to this famous ballerina.  A must know for any child interested in dance and music. Dancing in Firebird, her performance was called "electrifying". Experiences with the American Ballet Theater and the New York City Ballet, she danced with Rudolf Nureyev, premiering on television in 1962.

The children's book Tallchief: America's Prima Ballerina by Rosemary Wells, introduces children to the life and accomplishments of this determined woman. Check out book reviews for this picture book.

1 comment:

  1. This is the kind of book my niece, E, would adore!! May you see bits of flower buds pocking through the ground today :)
